shot 1: Camera begins panning showing part of victim body mainly hand and wrist in this shot.
Shot 2: Camera moves down towards the victims wrist, revealing cuts.
Shot3: Goes into flash back shot, wide shot showing victim bumping into other person.
Shot4: Close-up of mysterious person eyes.
Shot5: Back to the victims body, revealing tattoo arm and neck.
Shot6: Flash back of sitting with friend in cafe, smiling and laughing.
Shot7: Close-up of bill
Shot8: Tracks back to persons friends seeing a sinister smile on her face.
shot9: Back to body, pans from neck back down to torso.
Shot10: Flash back, friends running through forest together. Person peering behind the tree.
Shot11: Second runner goes missing, other runner looks scared and shocked. close-up of face.
Shot12: Close-up of victims face but not revealing identity.
Shot13,14,15,16: each shot is a close up of eyes, knife, person being smuthered, dead body and cuts on neck. All of these are edited very quickly to build up tension.
shot17: Fades in from black, reveals film title.
Labels: ellie, sophie.h, sophie.m